In case of an emergency, you must call 112 to get help from the police or an ambulance, for example.

Authorities and organisations that you can contact

There are several authorities and organisations that can provide you help and support. Here is contact information that you can use.

114 14 – Swedish Police

The Police’s non-emergency contact number is 114 14. You can call this number if you want to talk to the police, ask a question or report a crime. You can also report a crime by visiting a police station in person. You can find your nearest police station on the police authority website.

Swedish Crime Victim Authority

The overall aim of the Swedish Crime Victim Authority is to look after the rights of all crime victims and to draw public attention to their needs and interests. The authority is located in Umeå, and is nationally responsible for three areas of activities: dealing with matters concerning criminal injuries compensation; administering the Crime Victims Fund; and serving as a Centre of Competence.

Social Services

Social services have the overall responsibility for making sure that residents of a municipality receive the help and support they need, and a specific obligation to support people who have been subjected to violence in close relationships. Each municipality has its own website where you can find information and contacts for the social services. On the website of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, SKR, you can find a list of all municipalities. The list is only available in Swedish.

1177 - the Healthcare Guide

You can call 1177 and talk to a nurse around the clock if you need healthcare advice. The website contains information about health and diseases. You can also find information about local clinics.

Victim Support Sweden

Victim Support Sweden is available if you have been the victim of a crime or witnessed a crime. You can also contact Victim Support Sweden on behalf of a relative or someone you know who has been the victim of a crime. The website provides a list of local victim support services.

Telephone hours: Monday-Friday, 09:00-16:00
Closed for lunch 12:00-13:00.


Roks is the National Organisation for Women’s Shelters and Young Women's Shelters in Sweden. It is their task to protect the mutual interests of all Swedish women’s shelters and support them in their work. The Roks website provides information that will help you contact the right shelter.


Unizon brings together over 130 women’s shelters, empowerment centres and other organisations that are working for a gender-equal society free of violence. Unizon can help you contact a centre.

RFSL Support Centre

The RFSL Support Centre is there for people who identify as LGBTQ+ who have suffered insults, threats or violence. RFSL provides support through on-site conversations, telephone or email. You can remain anonymous and staff at the centre are trained and experienced. RFSL can offer follow-up and contact with healthcare services and the authorities.

Sweden’s National Women’s Helpline

If you are subjected to violence, you can call Sweden’s National Women’s Helpline, a support organisation run by Sweden's National Centre for Knowledge on Men’s Violence Against Women. Friends and relatives are also encouraged to contact the helpline. The call is free of charge and will not show up on your telephone bill. If you cannot speak Swedish or English, the helpline has access to interpreters for most languages spoken in Sweden. If you need an interpreter, it is important that you stay on the line as it can take up to ten minutes before the interpreter is connected.


UMO is a website for everyone aged between 13 and 25. contains information about the body, sex, relationships, mental health, alcohol and drugs, self-esteem and much more. You can also find information about your local centres and ask personal questions. The website is only available in Swedish.


Tjejzonen is Sweden’s largest support organisation for girls aged 10 to 25. We are a politically and religiously independent non-profit organization founded in 1998. We work from a child and youth perspective and reject racism, violence, bullying, oppression, and abuse and are open to all girls and women – regardless of culture, ethnicity, sexuality, or religion.

Loneliness is so dangerous because it leads to fear and it leads to silence.

Bianca Kronlöf, actor and comedian